Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Keeping things in perspective

A tragady hit the people at the dock pretty hard yesterday morning. There was a ruckus to the left of where we were docked. Distinctly, a gentleman was quite distraught. He'd traveled in with a friend the night before. The friend has a wife who had decided not to do the open water transit of the Gulf and was scheduled to arrive yesterday afternoon to again travel with her husband. He did not wake up this morning. He'd suffered a heart attack during the night and died. He was 61. While it was not the most pleasant part of doing the Great Loop, it does keep things in perspective. In this most blessed season of the year, it is with a great deal of gratitude that we praise and thank the creator for all that is ours to enjoy today! God Bless and Merry Christmas to each of you.


Rozy-B said...

I have enjoyed following your adventure. Thank you for bringing us along. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Bob and Rose ROZY-B

JAS said...

Merry Christmas, movie house!
Merry Christmas, Emporium!
Merry Christmas, you wonderful old Building and Loan!

Merry Christmas, Dubhe III!
It's a Wonderful Life!

Jamie said...

For sure we count our blessings and friends no matter how far they roam.You will always be in our hearts! Merry Christmas Jean and Ron and a joyous New Year. May God keep you both safe on your journey.


Jamie & Bill