Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Caring Husbands

My sister-in-law June, who is slightly older than I; O.K. so she's a LOT older than I (see me laughing) had never been in a kayak before. I knew where the manatee were and June proved once again, "You're as young as you feel." With no hesitation, she gave the kayaking a whirl and remained dry the entire time! We set out to find the manatee together. BUT we went a little further than we'd anticipated because you all know how great things are just around the bend -- and by the time we were found, we decided it wouldn't be a bad idea to throw the husbands the line and let the outboard motor return us all to the boat! (Yes, we found the manatee! but don't tell the husbands they were at the FIRST bend! The other bends were just plain fun!)

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