Friday, February 29, 2008

George Bush Bascule Bridge

This was sort of funny. Bridge after bridge after bridge on the Intercoasal going through the Miami, Ft. Lauderdale and Palm Beach areas and we see in the guide books, here is a bridge that opens on request! Great, we think, this is one where there will be no delay. No need for planning ahead and trying to align the travel with bridge schedules (which are every half hour on the hour for some, or a quarter to the hour and after the hour for others) But as we neared the hailing distance, Ron requests an opening but is told this day only, there was an electrician working on something on the bridge. "It should be a short wait, captain." The name of the bridge? George Bush. We just laughed. No wonder. Leave it to George Bush to do things his way regardless of what the rest of the world says or thinks or desires!

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