Saturday, July 28, 2007

Retirement woes!

You hear stories like this! Retired happily one minute and garbage picking the next. All contributions gratefully accepted. Remember how we decided to share the helm and share the cooking. Well, one of us threw out some of the silverware specifically purchased for the boat. That one was trying to rectify the situation and the other one??? O, she'd be the one laughing and holding the camera!


Don said...

LOL Just in case there was any requirement for proof that you are married - that's it! Sounds exactly like my wife of 23 years; laughing her a** off while I'm trying to save a situation.

My donation is in the mail. Hope you can afford food again soon.

Happy Trails!

Jamie said...

TSK TSK..I don't know....too funny! Heck at least your sharing the cooking. Love a man who can cook!

