Thursday, January 24, 2008

Here is where they put us!

Can you spell WEDGE! We are literally port side up against the protected piling. And the mooring ball on the starboard side between the two boats, is compressed! BUT it was too late in the day to continue out into the Gulf again and around to another marina, so we used every resource at our disposal and I truly have to hand it to Ron for even attempting to get into this berth! Can't wait to see the faces of the boat next to us when they return from a days trip to Key West by trolley! To the left, we requested some additional padding on the CEMENT catwalks! They are installing a section of fender over the point of the walkway! Tomorrow is another day. One where we'll be investigating every option. The problem is that there are six loopers coming in February 1. Here this evening is five more and we all know one another. There's already a Super Bowl party planned. We hate to miss out on all the fun and they are all going to be here a month! We've certainly never been THIS close before!!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Glad to see your safe and ahem,"snug as a bug"..ummm a bit too snug. Still it is calm there. Talk with you later..temps have gone to the teens at night no snow to speak of though.

