Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Watch those dog toys!!

Yes we knew this. The toy was so cute and Gilligan had enjoyed one of the squeak toys at my brothers home, so we got Gilligan this little squeak toy for Christmas. Watching him opening it was great fun. Watching him choking on the inside form material three days later was NOT any fun! I am amazed the veterinarian power that be, are not more vocal on the hazards of these playful little squeak toys! This was Hartz. We bought it at Petsmart. It wasn't even the squeaker creating the choke hazard, it was the inside material. We knew enough never to leave him alone with anything like this. It found it way to the garbage shortly thereafter.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The toys looks good but its too small to play so we need to take our responsibility to look for the best dog
which will also be safe for our dog to play all day long.